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Box Storage


Store all files in the team's Box folder so they can be retrieved, used, and modified as needed, even after you have completed your project.

For security, do NOT store files in another location (like Google Drive).

Use your Box folder for all project-related work throughout the year. This will ensure that it is secure and complies with requirements for protecting the sponsor's intellectual property. Your project data should all be kept in the Team XX 20YY-ZZ folder (where YY and ZZ denote the current academic year, for instance the 2023-24 academic year).

Please observe the following:

  • Use the Capstone standard directory structure
  • You may add additional directories as needed
  • Do not rename or replace the standard directories
  • Do not share any links to your Box files that do not require a login to open, as this will create a data vulnerability. To share a secure link to a folder with your sponsor, go to a folder in the Box web view and click on the Share button. A window will pop up asking you to specify the emails of the people with whom you would like to share the data. Select Viewer as the role that you would like the sponsor to have. This will send an email to your sponsor with an invitation to Box. Once the invitation is accepted, your sponsor will have secure access to view the information in the shared folder and all its subfolders.

The list below describes the purposes for each of the standard Capstone folders.

  • Artifacts: All artifacts created by the team, including some that may have never been formalized, should be here. Feel free to add as many subdirectories as you need and maintain an organized structure to your files.
  • Classwork: Documents you create as a team for class assignments. This is where the team discussion files from the Instructional Packets should be saved, as well as any other team assignments related to the classroom, rather than the project.
  • Executive Summaries: Final versions of all Executive Summaries should be kept here.
  • FINAL DESIGN PACKAGE: A copy of your Final Design Package needs to be included in this folder. This is the official archive location for the final design package, and this is where we will look if we need to access it years down the road.
  • Individual Contributions: Each team member's Individual Contribution Summary for both Fall and Winter semesters.
  • Photos and Videos: Photos, videos, and other media should be stored here.
  • Poster: All files related to your poster should be kept here. Be sure your FINAL poster design is here once that is complete.
  • Presentations: All presentations created during the year, including design review presentations, sponsor presentations, etc.


The Class Documents folder contains the textbook, forms, templates, and other generic documents that will be required throughout Capstone.

  • Books: Product Development texbook and Design Decisions, both available as PDFs for your use.
  • Examples: Examples of assignments and artifacts that may be useful to you as you work. Note that examples will be from prior Capstone years when requirements were different. They are included to give a general idea of how to complete an assignment and should not be considered perfect examples of anything.
  • Packets: Packets used for team discussions as part of pod instruction. Save a copy to your team folder and fill it out during pod.
  • Forms: Forms that need to be filled out to complete assignments. Save a copy to your team folder and fill out the form.
  • Slides: Copies of presentations given in class
  • Templates: Templates for various artifacts. You are not required to use these templates; they are given for your convenience.