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Computing Resources

Cloud Services

BYU OIT, Amazon, and other vendors provide cloud-based services involving storage, analytics, distributed calculations, and other applications to improve functionality, efficiency, and reliability for various software. Each service typically requires a fee. Prices vary and are dependent on usage, and some services may provide discounts. Coordinate with your pod instructor to determine which service may be best for your team and with the Capstone office for purchase.

Computers, Monitors, etc

Computers are often available to borrow from the ECE department for project use. To request one, Submit a Ticket with ECE.

If none are available, BYU's Office of Information Technology (104 ELLB) rents computers on a monthly basis for a nominal fee. If you need a computer to use temporarily, please contact the Capstone office for help in arranging a rental that will be charged to your team account. Please check with your department CSR first to see if they have computers you can use for free.

ECE Experiential Learning Center (416 CB)

Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, electrical and many other components available for purchase. Materials stock of plastic, metals, and wood. (see ECEN ELC Parts List Page)

  • Large variety of miscellaneous hardware, wire, electronics, tubing, paint, office supplies, o-rings.
  • After hours vending machine for electronics parts near 423 CB.
  • Motors – gear motors, ac motors, dc motors and servos, stepper motors
  • Actuators – solenoids, pneumatic pistons, motor driven ball screws (linear actuators)
  • Machine shop for student use, 3D printer, laser cutter, PCB mill, and paint booth. Complete Training LMS modules before using shop equipment or machines. (see Training LMS)
  • Multiple work stations are available with soldering equipment and other tools (413 CB)

Software Licenses

BYU has enterprise licenses for many software packages. If you need access to a software package that is not universally available to all BYU students, check with your External Relations Manager, who can help with access to additional software.


The Office of Research Computing provides free supercomputing resources to faculty and student researchers at BYU, as well as their collaborators. If you believe you need supercomputer access, please discuss this with your Pod Instructor, who will be required to sponsor your account.