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Critical Design Executive Summary

Critical Design Review Executive Summary

Project Title: [Your Project Title]
Team Name: [Your Team Name]
Date: [Submission Date]

1. Project Overview

  • Briefly summarize your concept architecture
  • Briefly provide overview of Key Success Measures, including any changes that have happened since the last review

2. Detailed Design

  • Present your full detailed design including subsystems, modules, interfaces, etc. Reference detailed artifacts while including enough detail in the Executive Summary to fully explain your design.
  • Summarize your test plans.
  • Reference included completed design documents such as: BOM, SBOM, UML diagrams, flowcharts, use case diagrams, block diagrams, engineering drawings, schematics, wireframes, test plans, preliminary prototyping test results, calculations, models, etc.

3. State of Design

  • How close to final is your design? What do you still need to do? What concerns do you have? What concerns do you have? What key design decisions will need to be made shortly? What potential roadblocks do you foresee? What do you need to do to overcome those roadblocks?

4. Schedule and Work Plan

  • Key tasks and dates to consider for entire scope of project (purchase orders, long lead-time hardware, etc)
  • Details about work plan until the next Design Review
  • Project build schedule and test plans