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Critical Design Grading Considerations

Executive Summary

100 points

1. (20 points) Overall professionalism, grammatically correct, make sense overall

2. (10 points) Overview

  • Has the team succinctly and intelligibly summarized the concept architecture?
  • Are changes to KSMs clear and explained?

3. (30 points) Detailed Design

  • Does the design description make sense?
  • Has the test plan been adequately addressed?
  • Do included visuals make sense?
  • Are appropriate artifacts referenced?
  • Do referenced artifacts provide additional useful information?

4. (30 points) State of Design

  • Is it obvious where the team is in the design?
  • Does the team demonstrate a good understanding of what else they need to figure out?
  • Has the team thoughtfully addressed concerns, potential roadblocks, etc. and considered how to meet the challenges?

5. (10 points) Schedule and Work Plan

  • Has the team thoughtfully planned out the larger details and long lead-time type decisions that need to be made?
  • Does the team have a reasonable plan for the next design stage?
  • Does the build schedule and test plan seem to be thoughtfully considered? Does it seem reasonable?


(50 points total)

1. (5 points) Overall professionalism, everyone on time and dressed professionally, slides are clean and clear

2. (5 points) Simplified Project Overview (1 slide)

  • Has the team succinctly and intelligibly summarized the concept architecture?
  • Are changes to KSMs clear and explained?

3. (5 points) Updated Project Value Proposition (1 slide)

  • Have requirements shifted based on sponsor needs?
  • Does the team continue to demonstrate an understanding of sponsor’s business needs?
  • Is the team maintaining good communication with the sponsor?

4. (10 points) Detailed Design (1-4 slides)

  • Does the design make sense?
  • Has the test plan been adequately addressed?

5. (10 point) Verification (1-2 slides)

  • Did the team show that the design will meet the requirements?
  • Do you have confidence that the design will meet the requirements?

6. (10 points) Show and Tell

  • Did the team show prototypes to explain the design (physical prototype, github repository, video demo, etc)?
  • Do the prototypes support the team’s design decisions?
  • Does the team demonstrate a good understanding of what else they need to figure out?
  • Has the team thoughtfully addressed concerns, potential roadblocks, etc. and considered how to meet the challenges?

7. (5 point) Schedule and Work Plan (1-2 slides)

  • Has the team thoughtfully planned out the larger details and long lead-time type decisions that need to be made?
  • Does the team have a reasonable plan for the next design stage?
  • Does the build schedule and test plan seem to be thoughtfully considered? Does it seem reasonable?