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Final Project Executive Summary

Final Project Review Executive Summary

Project Title: [Your Project Title]
Team Name: [Your Team Name]
Date: [Submission Date]

1. Project Overview

Appropriate (brief) background of the project. Discuss why the project is important and the the key success measures for the project. Discuss the original value proposition and compare to current expectations.

2. Brief Description of Design

Briefly describe the design in words and with appropriate top-level pictures. The description should not be a detailed definition but should reference artifacts that are included in your Final Design Package. The description should provide an overview of the design that will make it easy for the reader to understand the details found in the artifacts.

3. Summary of Final Performance

Summarize how well the design has been demonstrated to perform compared with the key success measures and any other metrics. Refer to appropriate testing and analysis artifacts as needed.

4. Conclusion and recommendations

Evaluate the success and outcome of your project. Discuss recommendations for future work by your sponsor or another Capstone team. This could include implementation/integration recommendations if the project will not require further development. Are there any additional things that the sponsor should know about or that would be helpful to them?

5. Content Summary of Final Design Package

This section of the Executive Summary should include a list of the contents of your Final Design Package and a brief (one sentence) summary of what the purpose of the artifact is.

Your Final Design Package should include all the documentation that will be transferred to your sponsor to understand all your work, be able to recreate all of your designs, and move forward to the next steps. Anything that would be useful or needed by someone who picks up your project and continues development should be included in your Final Design Package. You should have coordinated with your sponsor to ensure that you have included all documentation that they will need and in the format that works for them. Specific documentation (in no particular order) might include the following based on your project:

  • polished engineering drawings (assembly and component drawings)
  • System architecture
  • API documentation
  • BOM
  • SBOM
  • well-documented code in a Github repository (access provided to sponsor)
  • test results that will be useful to the sponsor
  • setup manual
  • operations manual
  • license and legal information
  • maintenance and support document
This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. You must consider what is applicable for your project and your sponsor’s needs.