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People Who Can Help

There are many people on campus that you can ask for help with various aspects of your project. Here is some information about ways they might be able to help you.

Your Coach

Your coach has significant experience. Regardless of the question, your coach should be one of the first people you go to! He or she will not know the answers to every question, but their experience will be a great help to you as you search for answers. Your coach can:

  • Help find resources and help with technical work
  • Provide feedback on presentations, executive summaries, and artifacts
  • Advise you regarding appropriate sponsor contact
  • Help guide the team in resolving conflicts
  • Provide mentoring, give encouragement, and share their professional expertise with you
  • Evaluate the team both as a whole and individually

The Instructors

The instructors have cumulatively worked with hundreds of project teams to help them succeed. Their experience can be a valuable resource to you. Again, they may not know every answer, but they are likely to have suggestions for where to look. The instructors are often available during Capstone hours (M-F, 8am-5pm), or you can check for their office hours, or you can email one or more of them.

  • Brady Davies, 801-422-3341,
  • David Long, 801-422-4383,
  • Greg Nordin, 801-422-1863,
  • Brian Jensen, 801-422-6030,
  • Barry Lunt, 801-422-2264,

External Relations Managers (ERMs)

Allyson Gibson (Long, Nordin, and Lunt Pods), 801-422-7962,
Lisa Barrager (Davies and Jensen Pods), 801-422-8680,

  • Experienced engineers from industry who sourced the projects and is familiar with your project
  • Can assist in all things sponsor-related, including scope concerns, communications, and general sponsor relationship
  • Provide feedback on Weekly Status updates and Executive Summaries
  • Ready to assist with anything that helps keep your project moving forward positively
  • Help find the right person to quickly resolve technical concerns or questions if your Pod Instructor is not available

Mechanical Prototyping Coach

David Laws, ME Laboratory Manager, 801-422-2628,

  • Significant experience with making hardware work
  • Can give excellent advice about how to make a prototype
  • Available in the PRL during Capstone hours

Email him to set up a different meeting time or place

Electronics and Other Support

Eric Barker, Experiential Learning Center (ECE Shop)
Enoch Boekwig, Experiential Learning Center

  • PCB layout & design
  • Embedded Programming
  • Circuits
  • Analog design
  • Anything else related to ECE

Check out the ELC's website for how-to videos, parts lists, and additional information about shop techs and their areas of expertise

Help is available in the ELC most times during the day (M-F, 8am-5pm)

Equipment and Instrumentation Support

Kevin Cole, Checkout and Instrumentation Manager, 801-422-8038,

  • Very knowledgeable about instrumentation, setting up experiments, and making equipment work
  • Manages the lab equipment in the Mechanical Engineering Department
  • Runs the ME Checkout Room
  • Kevin or an assistant is available in the Checkout Room (154 CB) most times during the day (M-F, 8am-5pm). Email him to set up an appointment.
  • Checkout room personnel available to help with 3D printing

Fabrication Support

Nick Hawkins, Lab Supervisor, 801-422-6297,

  • Manages the ME Prototype Lab, or machine shop, in 117 EB
  • Excellent resource for all questions about how to fabricate a part
  • Can give suggestions on designing parts to make them easier to fabricate
  • Extensive experience with machine shop tools
  • Available in the shop, or by email

The Capstone Office

Capstone Office Managers

Paula Harper, 801-422-3894,
Kari Manning, 801-422-3748,

Roles of Capstone Office Managers

  • Assist with resources available at BYU
  • Assist with purchasing issues, including getting items delivered quickly for Capstone teams
  • Assist with administrative issues
  • Travel questions
  • Assist with procedural issues related to all things Capstone
  • If you can't find what you need elsewhere, ask the Capstone Office Managers and they will direct you to the appropriate resource.

Capstone Office Assistants

Joy Hutchins, (801) 422-1639, :
Rachel Riccio, (801) 422-1031, :

Roles of Capstone Office Assistants

  • Place orders, accept receipts for reimbursements, track order status
  • Questions about the online purchasing system