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Project Build and Test Executive Summary

Project Build and Test Review Executive Summary

Project Title: [Your Project Title]
Team Name: [Your Team Name]
Date: [Submission Date]

1. Project Overview

  • Overview of project. Include Key Success Measures and a comparison of value proposition to current design state.

2. Project Build

Depending on your project and its current status, consider including the following discussion points:

  • What is the current state of your project? Is it functional?
  • Does your implementation match the design presented in your critical design review? Did you have to make changes? How have you documented the changes?
  • If your project is not functional at this point, explain why and your recovery plan.

3. Project Test and Validation

Depending on your project and its current status, consider including the following discussion points:

  • Summarize your test results. Reference test artifacts as necessary.
  • Does your project meet your requirements? If not, what is your plan to optimize your product so that it does?
  • Have your requirements or KSMs changed? If so, what is the justification for the changes?
  • How have you validated with your sponsor that the product is desirable and transferable? Does it meet their needs?

4. Schedule and Work Plan

  • Details about work plan until the Final Design Review
  • If you’ve already met your KSMs, what will you do to continue to improve the product?
  • Are there changes that need to be made to your documentation to reflect changes that were made during project build and test?
  • What documentation still needs to be completed to provide your sponsor with a complete design package?