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Project Build and Test Grading Considerations

Executive Summary

50 points

1. (10 points) Overall professionalism, grammatically correct, make sense overall

 2. (5 points) Overview 

  • Has the team succinctly and intelligibly summarized the concept architecture?
  • Has the team thoughtfully considered the value proposition and how their work impacts that?

3. (15 points) Build

  • Is the status of the project clear?
  • Are changes to the original plan addressed?
  • Are changes documented?
  • Does the team seem to have an understanding of what still needs to be done/can be done?

4. (15 points) Test and Validation

  • Has the team clearly shown whether or not the project meets the requirements?
  • Have changes to KSMs or other requirements been clearly justified/explained?
  • Is it evident that the team clearly has communicated with the sponsor about the transferability/desirability of the project and gotten their feedback?
  • Do they have a clear understanding of what is needed to completely validate the product?

5. (5 points) Schedule and Work Plan

  • Does the team have a reasonable plan for the final stretch, including optimizations and/or additional features?
  • Has the team thoughtfully considered the documentation? Have updates been made appropriately?
  • Has the team communicated with the sponsor about what the sponsor wants in the final design package?

(10 points total)

1. (1 point) Overall professionalism, everyone on time and dressed professionally, slides are clean and clear

 2. (1 point) Updated Project Overview  (1 slide)

  • Has the team succinctly and intelligibly summarized the project and its impact to the sponsor?

3. (1 points) Updated Requirements (1-2 slides)

  • Are changes to the original plan addressed?
  • Are changes documented?
  • Does the team have sponsor approval for changes?

4. (3 points) Status of Design and Prototyping (slides/demo)

  • Did the team provide a demo of a working system?
  • Have the KSMs been met? If not, is there a clear plan in place for how the team will meet them?
  • Is the current status of the project obvious?
  • Does the team demonstrate a clear understanding of what else needs to be done?

5. (1 point) Roadblocks (1 slide)

  • Has the team acknowledged and addressed roadblocks?
  • Is the team’s plan for overcoming roadblocks reasonable?

6. (2 points) Test Results (1-3 slides)

  • Has adequate testing been performed to ensure the project will meet the requirements?
  • Do you have confidence future test plans are adequate to fully validate the results?
  • Has the team clearly shown whether or not the project meets the requirements?
  • Does the team have a clear understanding of what is needed to completely validate the product?

7. (1 point) List of System Design Package documents

  • Did the team provide a thorough list of documentation to be provided to sponsor as the System Design Package?
  • Do these documents, when combined, ensure a transferable design?