Requirements Analysis Grading Considerations
Requirements Analysis Executive Summary (100 points)
The Executive Summary will be graded by your External Relations Manager (Allyson or Lisa). They are both experienced engineers and will expect an appropriate level of professionalism and technical detail. These are the questions they will be answering when grading your Executive Summary:
1. (20 points) Overall professionalism, grammatically correct, makes sense overall
2. (20 points) Overview
- Does the team understand what they will be doing?
- Does the team understand why they are doing it?
- Does the team understand the sponsor’s goals and what the impact of the project will be?
3. (20 points) Sponsor Needs
- Does the team demonstrate a thorough understanding of the sponsor’s needs, priorities, and desired outcomes?
- Do they really understand what this project is and why it’s important?
4. (20 points) Measurable Requirements
- Do the requirements make sense for the sponsor needs?
- Are there measurable targets as appropriate?
- Are the artifacts complete and well-presented?
- Does the discussion in the Executive Summary align with the project requirements in the artifacts?
- Are appropriate artifacts referenced and in the right order?
5. (20 points) Project Plan
- As a team (including the coach), and in conjunction with the sponsor, has a decision been made with respect to how the project will be managed? (team leader, tasks, assignments, etc.)
- Is it clear how sponsor communication will take place? (How often, method, additional details)
- Is it clear that the team has coordinated with the sponsor on desired project documentation and deliverables?
- Is the schedule for the next phase clear and complete (and most likely referenced as an artifact)?
Design Review Presentation (50 points)
Your presentation will be graded by your Pod Instructor, with input from your review coach.
1. (5 points) Overall professionalism, everyone on time and dressed professionally, slides are clean and clear
2. (5 points) Overview (1-2 slides)
- Is it clear what the team will be doing?
3. (10 points) Project Value Proposition (1 slide)
- Does the team demonstrate a thorough understanding of the sponsor’s needs, priorities, and desired outcomes?
- What action is the sponsor going to take based on the outcome?
- What decision will the sponsor make based on the project outcome?
- Does the team truly understand what this project is and why it’s important?
4. (15 points) Measurable Requirements (1-2 slides)
- Do the requirements make sense for the sponsor needs?
- Are there measurable targets that make sense for the project?
- Does the format of the requirements make sense for the project? (requirements matrix, software requirements, user stories, etc)
5. (5 points) Project Plan (1-2 slides)
- Is the team’s plan reasonable?
- Is the schedule for the next phase clear and complete?
- Has the team addressed long lead-time items appropriately?
- Has the team considered the overall two-semester schedule?
6. (10 points) Anticipated Documentation
- In consultation with the sponsor, has the team thoroughly considered the long-term documentation needs for the project?
- Does the documentation plan make sense for the project?