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Note: In order to have access to the online Capstone Purchasing system, you must score at least 90% on the Capstone Purchasing Exam available on Learning Suite. You can take the exam as many times as you would like.
We encourage every member of every team to take the Capstone Purchasing Exam.

At times, items you have purchased may turn out to be incorrect, faulty, or no longer needed. These items may be eligible to be returned to the vendor. You should contact the vendor to verify their return policy. If your items are eligible for return, please contact the Capstone office to initiate the return process.

The return process is as follows:

  1. Create a Capstone Return Request by selecting “New Return” from your Capstone dashboard at At the Return Request screen, do the following:
    • Select the return type
    • Enter the date you expect to mail the items back to the vendor
    • Enter the RMA (Returned Material Authorization) number you received from the vendor.
    • Select the vendor to whom the material will be returned
    • Enter the part number, description, quantity, and price of the items to be returned.
    • Click the “Submit” button on the request.
  2. The Capstone office will review the request and confirm the RMA with the vendor. The Capstone office will prepare any necessary return paperwork and notify you when it is complete.
  3. You will collect the paperwork from the Capstone office and mail or hand-deliver the items to be returned.
  4. When the return has been finalized with the vendor, you will receive a credit on your team budget.

NOTE: You must create a separate Return Request for each vendor.