It is often necessary to share files that exceed the size allowed by BYU's email system. Here are a couple of methods for sharing files with your sponsor. If your sponsor has a preferred method that the team does not have access to, please contact your External Relations Manager (Allyson or Lisa) for assistance.
Please do not share links to your Box files that do not require a login to open. To share a secure link to a folder with your sponsor:
Create a folder in your Box directory that will serve as a File Transfer folder for your sponsor.
Share the folder using the "Invite People" option with a specific email address that will receive access to the folder.
Choose either Viewer Uploader or Viewer for the invite. (This will ensure sponsors do not accidentally delete files from your folder).
Add a message so the email your sponsor receives about this will not look suspicious.
Students have access to OneDrive through your BYU Microsoft account. Some sponsors can only receive files through OneDrive. To use OneDrive for Capstone:
Log in to BYU's OneDrive portal using your and BYU credentials.
Share your files (we know you know how to do this).
Physical Media
Some sponsors may require file transfer using flash drives, hard drives, or similar media for security purposes. If this is the case and you need a device, please contact the Capstone office, who can provide media for you.
Please do not use Google Drive for any part of your Capstone project, including sharing files. Google Drive is not considered a secure form of file transfer.