Project Ratings Database going LIVE... Thursday, Aug 15, 2024 Watch your BYU email for details.
Here are answers to a few of our most commonly asked questions...
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How do I prepare for Capstone?
The best preparation is to complete the pre-requisites of Capstone for your major. If you have questions about pre-reqs, consult with your Undergraduate Advisor. Additionally, watch your email at the end of Winter semester your Junior year. You will receive information about registering for Capstone.
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What should I expect when taking Capstone?
Capstone is scheduled for M-F, 8-9:50am. Do not attempt to schedule additional classes or work during that time. While Capstone is rigorous, the workload is doable within these hours, with possible exceptions during critical project milestones.
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When can I find out what the projects for the year will be?
Projects are finalized over the summer, and project descriptions will be available for students in early to mid-August. You must sign an NDA prior to registering for the class. Only registered students will be granted access to the project descriptions. You will have an opportunity to rate each project on a scale of 0-3 and to comment on your favorites. While there are no guarantees that you will be placed on a project that is one of your favorites, we do try to place students on projects according to your interests.
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Can I do my own project?
No, you may not do your own project. Capstone projects must meet specific criteria and are vetted and approved by External Relations Managers and Capstone instructors.
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How will I know which project I will have?
In early to mid-August, you will be provided access to a database of project descriptions which you will be allowed to rate based on your desire to work on that project. We use everyone's responses to cross reference with the disciplinary needs of the project to assign students to teams. You will typically learn of your team assignment within the first few days of Fall semester.
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Will there be any good projects for [my specific interests]?
We hope so! Our two External Relations Managers (one ME and one ECE) are experienced engineers who work hard to secure a wide variety of projects in order to meet the needs of all Capstone students. If you have a connection with someone in industry who might be interested in sponsoring a project, they would love to discuss it. Contact info is on the "Contact Us" page.
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How/When Do I Get Started?
You will be contacted to fill out paperwork prior to registering for the course. Watch your email in late Winter. After you have completed the registration forms, you will be allowed to register for the class (once registration has been opened). In early-mid August, you will have the opportunity to rate projects. You'll get started on Capstone on the first day of Fall classes. We jump right in!
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May I choose the team I'm on?
You may not choose your team directly. However, we do use your project ratings and comments to assign you to a team. Our goal is to place you on a project you will enjoy and where your skillset will be beneficial to your team.
Competition teams are chosen by direct application, and you will be notified of your placement on a competition team prior to the regular Capstone team assignment process. Competition team coaches choose the members of their teams prior to Fall semester.
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I still have questions. Who do I ask?
For questions about the paperwork process, contact the Capstone Office at 801-422-4847 or
For questions about the projects or if you have a lead for a potential project, contact an External Relations Manager. Their contact info is on the "Contact Us" page.
For questions about pre-requisites or concerns about unique circumstances, contact your department's Undergraduate Advisor.
External Relations, ME 350R EB 801-422-8680
DAVIES and JENSEN PODS Project-related concerns Project assistance Budget approvals PSA signatures Sponsor relationship Career assistance ME Department assistance