Local Travel
Local project-related travel should be completed in a BYU vehicle or with a commercial vehicle rental provider.
To arrange a BYU vehicle for travel, go to Vehicle Rental
If you need a truck to make a local delivery you may be able to use the ME EN or MFGEN trucks.
Long-distance or overnight travel
Any travel that includes an overnight stay or is over 300 miles round trip requires an official BYU travel plan to be submitted.
Here's how to make it all happen:
1. Send an email to your External Relations Manager (Allyson or Lisa) letting her know when and where you need go. Include the number of students (male and female) who will be traveling and whether or not your coach is planning to travel with you.
2. Your ERM will contact your sponsor for approval of the travel and will provide the sponsor with a proposed travel budget.
3. Once your travel has been approved by your sponsor, go to the Capstone office (EB 344) and complete the form(s) provided.
The Capstone office will make all of your travel arrangements and send those to the team.
Start the planning as soon as possible. The paperwork can take several weeks to complete. Do not make commitments to your sponsor until your travel plans have been discussed and approved by your coach and the Capstone administration. Your sponsor will need to approve the cost of any long-distance travel and agree in writing to pay for it.
If you plan to fly to your destination you should start your travel arrangements two months or more before you plan on leaving. Even if your sponsor is paying for and making the arrangements for the trip, your team needs to fill out university paperwork since it is school-related travel. BYU prefers that travel arrangements for students and faculty be made through the university for purposes of risk management.
Students traveling overnight or more than 300 miles round trip must travel with their coach or other BYU employee. Use of personal vehicles in this situation is not permitted, including for competition teams.
Work with the Capstone office (EB 344) to make sure all University travel policies are followed. In particular, all student travel needs to be by BYU vehicle or with a commercial travel provider. Note that ride-sharing services such as Lyft or Uber are not commercial travel providers, and are not approved for use while on University travel.