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Winter Planning Review

The Winter Planning Review is a simple check-in with the team to review your project plans for the remainder of the project.

During this review, the team will present the detailed schedule for Winter semester and discuss any requirements shifts and/or roadblocks. This is an opportunity for the pod instructor and coaches to assist the team in ensuring a successful project outcome.


  • Brief project overview (1 slide)
  • Updated Key Success Measures (1 slide)
  • Update on any changes to requirements (1 slide)
  • Specific plans for Winter semester (1-2 slides)
  • Concerns, roadblocks, etc. and plan to resolve them (1 slide)

Presentation Grading Criteria

(50 points total)

1. (5 points) Overall professionalism, grammatically correct, makes sense overall

2. (45 points) Plans for coming semester

  • Changes to requirements have been addressed and approved by sponsor (or the team is seeking approval)
  • The team has a thoughtful and appropriate plan for Winter semester
  • There is confidence the team will meet the requirements for the project
  • Team is transparent about concerns, roadblocks, etc and has a plan for overcoming them

No Executive Summary Required for Winter Planning Review