The University greatly prefers using the standard purchasing processes instead of reimbursing individuals. Please make every effort to avoid reimbursements for purchases.
In almost every case, you should avoid spending your own money for Capstone purchases and being reimbursed. If you must buy something yourself, you must follow all of the policies below to be eligible for reimbursement. Failure to follow these policies will hurt your Team Professionalism grade and may prevent your reimbursement.
Reimbursement Policies
- Online and phone purchases are not eligible for reimbursement. Place these orders with the Capstone office following the policies in Orders.
- Any purchase requiring shipping to Provo is not eligible for reimbursement.
- Copying costs and printing expenses are not eligible for reimbursement. See CAEDM printing for information on how to charge project-related printing to your team account.
- Purchases from on-campus vendors are not eligible for reimbursement. Use the Capstone procedures found in On-campus Purchases for on-campus purchases.
- Telephone payment by the Capstone office staff is preferred for local pickup purchases. Please work with the Capstone office staff to determine if telephone payment can be used to avoid reimbursement.
- For purchases in excess of twenty five dollars, you must have a Capstone Reimbursement Request approved by your coach before making the purchase. Receipts that are dated before the approval date may not be reimbursable.
- You may not “split” purchases to avoid the twenty five dollar limit. Purchases that are aimed at avoiding the twenty five dollar limit will not be reimbursable.
- Do not mix personal expenses with Capstone expenses; make separate purchases and get separate receipts.
- Receipts for reimbursement must be turned in within 15 days of the purchase. Receipts turned in more than 15 days after the purchase may not be reimbursable.
- Items purchased from private sources (not regularly operating businesses) are not eligible for reimbursement. Talk with the Capstone office to explore other alternatives.
With proper approval, and in accordance with the policy above, you may spend personal funds and be reimbursed. The procedure for obtaining a reimbursement is as follows:
For reimbursements of less than twenty-five dollars, no approval is required prior to making the purchase. HOWEVER, ALL of the policies above must be followed to make your purchase eligible for reimbursement.
For larger purchases
- Complete an online Capstone Reimbursement Request (NOT a Capstone Order Request) by clicking “New Reimbursement” at
- Wait for notification from Capstone that your coach has approved the request.
- Purchase the items and save the receipt.
- Submit the original receipt to the Capstone office as soon as possible but no later than 15 days after the purchase.
- The Capstone staff will then submit a reimbursement request to the University and the University will mail a check to the address you put on the form.