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Checkout Clearance

The Capstone Checkout Clearance form is the method for completing your team’s checkout clearance. The current year's form is available during Winter Semester on your Box drive in Class Documents/Forms. You’ll need to print the form and obtain the appropriate signatures for each of the items before clearance is granted and your Capstone project is officially finished. Competition teams that have their competition after the last day of class will have a different Capstone Checkout Clearance form. See the Capstone office for details, at least three weeks before the end of the semester.

At the end of the project, each team will be responsible to clean their workspace, return any borrowed equipment, and send all project hardware to the sponsor.

For electronic documentation, you need to complete the following steps before your checkout clearance is finalized:

A. Load all of your team’s files onto your box folder as noted in the Project Data Archive—maintaining the proper main file structure and putting all your files into that file structure or in sub folders below.

B. Determine the total number Gigabytes of data you have for your team’s complete files

C. Pick up USB drive(s) from the Capstone office. We have several sizes to meet the needs of your team’s project data archive.

D. Copy and paste all of your data onto each of the USB drives given to you by the Capstone office. Do not zip or compress any files, all electronic docs must be full size. This process can only be finished once your final report has been submitted. Verify that the final report and final poster are on both of the USB drives you prepare.

E. Bring both copies back to the Capstone office for verification BEFORE sending anything to your sponsor. We will verify content and add a descriptive tag to each of your drives, and then they are ready to send.

NOTE: If the Capstone checkout clearance is not completed, the professionalism grade for the semester will be zero for the entire team.

At the end of your Capstone experience, you will need to complete the Checkout Clearance form. This form ensures that you have completed all of the steps necessary to finalize your work on the project, including the following:

  1. Space Clearance: The space used by your Capstone team has been cleaned up to the satisfaction of the steward of that space.
  2. Project Support Center Clearance: Any items checked out from the Project Support Center have been returned.
    The Space Clearance and Project Support Center Clearance are to be completed during checkout hours. Checkout hours are 8-10 AM on the last day of classes and during the final exam time. During checkout hours, Dave Laws and Kevin Cole will be available to observe the cleanliness of your space and verify the status of your Project Support Center items.
  3. Experiential Learning Center Clearance: Any items checked out from the ELC have been returned and signature obtained.
  4. Documentation Clearance: The required final documentation has been delivered to and verified by the Capstone office. This includes the following:
    1. One Capstone-provided USB drive containing the Project Files. See above for information on obtaining and preparing the USB drive.
  5. Sponsor Documentation Clearance: The required final documentation has been delivered to the sponsor and verified by the Capstone office. Obtain from sponsor by email the format in which the project digital documentation should be given to the sponsor.
    1. USB drive
    2. Time-limited download from Box drive

      NOTE: You should not send any final materials to the sponsor until obtaining permission from the Capstone office. Sponsors do not receive the final materials until they have completed payment for the project.

  6. Project and Hardware Delivery Clearance: After obtaining permission from the Capstone office, verify that either you have a plan in place for delivery or you have shipped the following to the sponsor:
    1. One Capstone-provided USB drive containing the Project Files. See above for information on obtaining and preparing the USB drive.
    2. Any project hardware you have created. If you have heavy, large prototypes that need to be shipped, you may need to use freight shipments. Please see the Capstone office two weeks in advance, and follow the information found in Shipping and Receiving, especially if you have large or heavy items to ship.
    3. Select the option on the form that best fits your circumstances.
  7. Financial Clearance: All transactions have been completed and all receipts have been returned, no additional spending or reimbursements are required, and the team has met its budget requirements.

NOTE: Financial clearance will be granted only AFTER all other checkout clearances are obtained.